
其一 叹出家,到也奇,看破了世路云泥。一心不染红尘事,任凭他浮名美利,任凭他爱子娇妻。劳形不如归山去,俺怎肯终日奔驰,俺怎肯终日寻思,修行当发冲天志,做一个慷慨男子,不愿意被生死的羁绊束缚,无烦无恼无优虑,只想在人生的旅途中打破常规,为自己立下一番作为。

其二 叹出家,到也幽,断却了妄念忧愁。人生那得无尘垢,我何须图利贪求,也不愿空自罢休,不甘落入凡人的圈套中,将师傅的法门深究,一定要把真修学到精通自然有日丹成就,即使我能跨鹤乘舟或散步优游,也不会忘记真玄道妙谁参透的道理。

其三 叹出家,到也深,对于养气提神和木降金升这些修为,我也有所了解和实践。我会将真心定在行住坐卧之中,只为了养气提神,让我的内力不断增强,如同灵光现出圆如镜般清晰,每次运用时都能瞬间窍窍通灵,就像黄河水运转昆仑一样顺畅自然。

其四 叹出家,到也玄,在静坐参禅时,我看穿了所有虚假。我知道主人背后的真正身份,是一种玄妙的境界,这种境界默默无言,但每一次动静都蕴含着汞抽铅般的智慧,如痴如醉神不倦,即使是在火炼文武相煎温养时子后午前水火既济同烹炼,都能保持镇定的状态。

其五 rtnout family, to also precise, prepared to be a strong warrior. I must guard against the six thieves who seek to plunder my treasures. No matter how they try to drive me away with their mist and clouds, no matter how skilled they are in war and strategy, it is all up to my own wits and cunning that will allow me to triumph over them. With the power of wisdom, I can rally a thousand horses at once; with the sword of insight, I can slay a thousand demons at once. Even the three evil spirits dare not approach me now.

Its Sixth: "Ah! To have left home has been such an extraordinary thing!" The old man's voice was filled with emotion as he gazed out upon the world from his mountain retreat. He had long since renounced all worldly attachments - wealth, fame, love for sons or daughters - and now lived simply on what nature provided him. His clothes were tattered and worn but his spirit remained unbroken.

His Seventh: "Ah! To have left home has been such a profound thing!" The old man sighed deeply as he looked back upon his life's journey so far. He had traveled far beyond these mountains into distant lands where he had encountered many strange customs and people but always remained true to himself.

The final line of this passage reads: "Bowing down before wise men one seeks enlightenment." It seems clear that our protagonist is seeking enlightenment through his travels rather than achieving it through meditation alone.

In conclusion this passage shows us an individual who has chosen a path different from society's expectations yet remains grounded in reality while still pursuing spiritual growth