
太易期,清微天兮玉清境,玉炁至清兮玉清宫, 无形道祖太上元始天尊,慈悲无量,掌道务,度圣,度贤,度仙,度神,度真,度佛,度菩蕯,度祖师,度星君,度大帝,度天尊。布至高之道炁,使天上无形正果位之官,修得更高之道炁、道果。 YuanShi TianZun 元始天尊 He is the center. 祂在中间。 He holds the all-containing pearl, Empty in itself. 祂手持如意珠,珠子内是空的。 His birthday is celebrated on the winter solstice. 人们在冬至庆祝祂的生日。 In a given context, the hexagram is Fu. 在《易》的语境中,冬至的卦象为复卦。 It exists before Heaven and Earth, and is the Purity of Yang. 它先天地生,是纯阳。 It is the primordial beginning, origin of existence. 它是元始,是存在之源。 So subtle that it is formless, Wu Xing. 如此微妙啊,它是无形的。 The Pearl he holds in his hand contains the condensed Qi of Oneness (Zhen Yi zhi Qi). 祂手持的宝珠内含真一之炁。 Whoever gets this Qi, returns. It is called the Treasure of Tao. 得到此炁之人将回归(道)。它是道宝(道家三宝之一) 太始期,禹余天兮上清境,至上至清兮上清宫,无始道祖太上灵宝天尊,慈爱无量,掌灵魂,度亿万魂,度亿万魄皆成正道果,列入大罗天境。 LingBao TianZun 灵宝天尊 He sits to the left of YuanShi TianZun. 祂坐在元始天尊的左边。 He is the Heavenly Lord of the Numerous Treasure. 祂是无量宝藏的天堂之主。 He holds an object, a RuYi, symbol of absolute power. 祂手持如意,绝对权力的象征。 In some cases he also holds a Taiji, symbol of Ultimate Reality. 有时他手持太极,终极实在的象征。 It has power over everything and everyone. 祂的权力遍于一切人和事物。 His birthday is the Summer Solstice. 祂的生日是夏至。 He receives the scriptures and liturgical texts from YuanShi TianZun and uses them to teach and enlighten the people of the world. 祂接收元始天尊的和礼拜文,用来教导和启迪世界人民。 From him comes the very foundation of Taoism, which is to study and cultivate Tao. 祂带来了道教的基础,人们依此学道修道。 He is Empty of Beginning, Wu Shi, and also known as the Treasury of the Scriptures. 祂是无之始,无极,也是经宝(道家三宝之二)。 太素期,大赤天兮太清境,太上至清兮太清宫, 梵形道祖太上道德天尊,大慈大爱,掌人间,弘道德,助人成功修成正道果,列入道境,成圣,成贤,成仙,成神,成真,成祖师,成天师,成大帝,成天尊等等果位。 TaiShang Lao Jun DaoDe TianZun 太上老君 道德天尊 He is the Divine Form, Fan Xing. 祂是神圣的显现,梵形。 As the 45th incarnation of TaiShang LaoJun DaoDe TianZun, he appears in the figure of LiEr, or LaoZi. 太上老君、道德天尊的第45个化身以李耳或称老子的形象出现, And leaves us the TaoTeJing, the fundamental Classic, Root of Tao. 并给我们留下了《道德经》这部基本经典,道之根。 Other texts are attributed to TaiShang Lao Jun, such as the QingJingJing, by transmission, FuLuan, which is the basic mode of transmission of Taoist writings. 《清静经》等其他也被归为太上老君所作,它们是通过扶鸾——这种道教著作(由天尊或天神)降传的基本方式传出的。 Its symbol is a fan, which generates the perfect movement by which the ten thousand things obtain harmony. 它的符号是一把“扇子”,由此产生完美的运动让万千事物获得和谐。 His birthday is celebrated on the 15th day of the 2nd lunar month, currently held as the International Taoists day. 祂的生日在农历二月十五,目前被作为国际道教节。 Other incarnations of TaiShang Lao Jun as master, are attributed to Yu HuaZi, regarding FuXi, Da Cheng Zi, regarding Shen Nong, Guang ChengZi, regarding HuangDi. 太上老君的一些其他化身显现为师父,如伏羲的师父郁华子,神农的师父大成子,黄帝的师父广成子。 According to the tradition, he descended from the heavens and transmitted the Zhengyi records directly to the Heavenly Master Zhang DaoLin, who systematized Taoism. 按照这一传统,祂从天上下来,把正一法箓直接传给了天师张道陵,张天师将道教作了系统化的整理。 He is known and celebrated as the Father of Civilization and the Treasury of the Masters. 祂(太上老君)被誉为文明之父和师宝(道家三宝之三)。 Thus the Tao, the Scriptures, and the Masters are gathered in the Three Pure Ones: Tao, Jing, Shi, which are in themselves the three Taoist conversions. 如此,道、、师父被聚合为三清:道、经、师,作为道教的三种转换形式。 In the body, cultivate them through Jing, Qi and Shen; using compassion, humility and frugality, as the Way in the world. 在内,通过精气神培养它们;在世上,通过慈(悲)、谦(卑)、(节)俭的行为方式培养它们。 They are the three-dimensional representation of Yi Qi, in the unit that is TaiYi YiQi expressed in the formula TaiYi YiQi hua SanQing. 它们是一炁在三个维度的表现,在这个单位坐标系里,太一(太乙)一炁的表达公式为太一(太乙)一炁化三清。 太上三清三老祖大慈大悲,大慈大爱,太上有情,関怀天地万物,生人,,助人成功,教人心清,灵清,身清。心灵身皆清,曰三清。 今欣逢辛丑年世界道教节农历二月十五日,太上梵形道德天尊与老子天尊圣嘏,提前于农历二月八日周六上午十一时(公元2021年3月20日)举行祝嘏庆典。 太一道院学生代表,道心德身,健康长寿群代表,学者专家群代表,诸方仁翁德长代表,非常荣耀会聚在台北太一道院,以最虔诚的心,祝贺太上梵形道德天尊,老子天尊圣嘏无疆无边,无穷无尽,圣诞无量无量量。祈祷太上三清三老祖,老子天尊,道炁普照大地,使修行,者早日修成延缓老化,再生青春(返老还童),精深道慧(圣贤,神仙,佛菩萨,神,真,祖师,天师,大帝,天尊),相姿俱美(形神俱妙),人间仰止(道心德身楷模,度己度人),修成正道果,列入大罗天之果位。同时太一道院道心德身,道丹养生的学生布满中国,,亚洲,,欧洲,美洲,大洋洲,非洲,世界各地,学生们的道德量充沛在各地之空中,由太上三清三老祖,老子天尊做主,使中国各省市,,韩国,日本,亚洲,欧洲,美洲,非洲,大洋洲等等各地的新冠肺炎疫情即刻化消,劫弭于无形之中。缺水地区,普降甘霖。世界各地风调雨顺,国泰民安,人民生活安康,人人抱道行德,人间是天堂,天堂在人心中。此大恩大德,永烙印在参加祝嘏者心中,学生心中,世界各地人人心中。人人增福德,注道炁,生生无量量的天尊。 太一道院院长黄胜得,学生代表,道心德身,健康养生学生代表,学者专家群代表,诸方仁翁德长代表,以虔诚心稽首叩首,再稽首叩首,三稽首叩首。 农历辛丑年二月八日台北太一道院。
