然而,与此同时,我们也看到了道教对掠剩神的一种“改造”。随着道教在宋代的发展,它们开始吸收并融合各种地方性的宗教实践,其中包括了掠剩神。在道家的体系内,掠remaining godssignified as the "Apportioner of Wealth" and was responsible for distributing wealth to those who had passed away. This integration allowed the belief in the God of Plunder to spread further, as it became a part of a larger religious system.
The God of Plunder's journey from a minor character in Tang dynasty stories to a full-fledged deity in Song dynasty religion is an interesting one. It shows how beliefs can evolve and change over time, influenced by various factors such as cultural exchange and religious syncretism. The story of the God of Plunder serves as an example for understanding how religious ideas are transmitted, adapted, and transformed within different social contexts.
In conclusion, this paper explores the relationship between folk religions like that of the God of Plunder and mainstream religions during their transmission process. By examining how these two systems interact with each other through historical narratives like that of the God's transformation from a mere character to a fully fledged deity, we gain insights into not only how beliefs change but also what drives their persistence across time