1. 郑玄与道家
Zheng Xuan, a renowned Confucian scholar and literary figure of the Eastern Han Dynasty, not only delved deeply into Confucian classics but also annotated Daoist texts. His works played a significant role in facilitating the understanding and development of Daoist thought for later generations.
2. 注解汉书与其他史籍中的道家思想
In his annotations to "Han Shu" (Book of Han) and other historical records, Zheng Xuan incorporated Daoist ideas to provide a more comprehensive understanding of historical events and figures.
3. 道德经与老子之智慧
Zheng's annotations on "Daodejing" (Laozi's classic work), which is considered one of the foundational texts of Daoism, reveal his profound comprehension of Laozi's wisdom.
4. 宇宙观与自然法则
Zheng's interpretations on natural laws and cosmological concepts in ancient Chinese literature demonstrated his affinity with Daoist views on the harmony between humans and nature.
5. 道教神仙传说中的修炼方法
Through his analyses of legends about immortal beings in Taoist mythology, Zheng revealed various methods employed by these individuals to attain immortality or enlightenment within their own lifetimes.
6. 理性批判与伦理关怀:王充与名将问罪录
Zheng Xuan was known for his rational critique as well as ethical concerns evident in his critiques such as those found in Wang Chong's "Lunheng," where he challenged superstitions prevalent at that time while maintaining an empathetic approach towards human suffering.
7. 经世济民:历史记载中的治国策略
Zheng Xuan was not only an influential Confucian scholar but also showed great interest in interpreting Daoist texts through his annotations on various historical records including "Han Shu." His works demonstrate how he integrated Daoist ideas into broader discussions concerning ethics, politics, philosophy, etc., providing insights into both traditional Chinese thought systems—Confucianism & Taoism—and contributing significantly to the intellectual landscape during that era.