
在中国五大传统民居中,这座围龙屋的气质真的能飙升到何等程度?青砖黛瓦飞檐下,四堂六横三围龙庄重大气,屋前半月形池塘镶上仿古围栏,周边小广场花叶扶疏、步道整洁,成为村民休闲的好去处……日前,随着平远东石镇凉庭村美丽乡村建设不断推进,当地200多年历史的客家特色围龙屋丰泰堂焕然一新。走进丰泰堂大院,“凉庭村新时代文明实践站讲堂”的标识为古朴的老宅墙面增添亮色,原本老旧闲置的房间化身图书馆、志愿者服务室等功能场所。 village officials, Lin Yuan, explained: "Last year, the town government invested over 20 million yuan to renovate the building and construct a new practice station and museum. On the basis of restoring it to its original state, we have built these new facilities while also enhancing the cultural value of the ancient architecture." The Fuyu Pavilion was built in 1802 during the Qing dynasty's Jiaqing period and has been standing for more than two centuries. With a structure facing north and south, it is one of the largest remaining examples of a traditional Hakka round-hall house in China. It is also listed as an important cultural relic under provincial protection.
