其一 叹出家,到也奇,看破了世路云泥。一心不染红尘事,任凭他浮名美利,任凭他爱子娇妻。劳形不如归山去,俺怎肯终日奔驰,俺怎肯终日寻思,修行当发冲天志,做一个慷慨男子,不愿意被生死的羁绊束缚,无烦无恼无优虑,只想在人生的旅途中打破常规,为自己创造自由和解脱。
其二 叹出家,到也幽,断却了妄念忧愁。人生那得无尘垢,我何须图利贪求,我何须空自罢休,不落俗世的凡尘手中发洪誓去追求真修自然有日丹成就,可以随意跨鹤乘舟,可以悠然散步优游,但真正理解玄妙道理的人又有几多?
其三 叹出家,到也深,将真心定于行住坐卧之中,用心养气提神,以木降金升来调和五脏六腑。灵光现出圆如镜般明澈,如同一瞬间窍通万象。黄河水运转昆仑,大地运行皆是自然之法,从而认识到了真玄道的奥秘。
其四 叹出家,到也玄,看透了打坐参禅所谓的修炼。我明白这只是表面的动作,而不是内在的悟性;动静处添汞抽铅,这种修炼并非简单易懂。在静默与行动之间,我发现了一种平衡,一种既能进火时文武相煎,又能温养时子后午前水火既济同烹炼的境界。
其五 rtnout of the house, to be also refined, preparing for a fierce warrior and strong troops. Guard against the six thieves coming to move them, let him drive the fog and ascend the clouds, let him tame battles and win with strength. All depends on my clever use to defeat them. With wise eyes, millions of horses gallop together; with sharp swords, cut off demonic spirits. The three poisons are helpless; only then is my pure heart revealed.
Natural vision sees a prosperous country and peaceful people; one battle achieves all peace. Its sixth section talks about how I have learned some scattered carefree wandering in reverse fortunes and turns upside down. Understanding the mysteries.
The seventh section says that I am truly clean-hearted and needlessly clear-mindedness from within. Only when I see through this can understand clearly that true essence is not something external but internal cultivation who will ask?