其一 叹出家,到也奇,看破了世路云泥。一心不染红尘事,任凭他浮名美利,任凭他爱子娇妻。劳形不如归山去,俺怎肯终日奔驰,俺怎肯终日寻思,修行当发冲天志,做一个慷慨男子,不愿意被生死的羁绊束缚,无烦无恼无优虑,只想在人生的旅途中打破常规,为自己立下一番作为。
其二 叹出家,到也幽,断却了妄念忧愁。人生那得无尘垢,我何必图利贪求,我何必空自罢休,不随波逐流,一心只求真修。自然有日丹成就,即便我能跨鹤乘舟,或是散步优游,在这漫长的人生旅程中探索真谛的奥秘!真玄道妙谁参透?
其三 叹出家,到也深,用心学些儿借假修真。行住坐卧把真心定,是养气提神的关键,也是喜的是木降金升的一种体会。在这种状态下,你才能感受到灵光现出圆如镜般明晰,一瞬间窍窍通灵,与自然和谐相处,就能理解黄河水运转昆仑的大道理。
其四 叹出家,到也玄,看破了打坐参禅。主人现出是何物件,是一种超脱凡尘的境界玄中理默默无言,即使在动静处添汞抽铅也不为所动,如痴如醉神不倦,这种境界非同一般。
其五 叹出家。到也精,对待一切事情都准备着猛将强兵,以防六贼来搬运,但即便他们驾雾腾云、惯战能争,我依然不会放弃,因为全凭妙用将他胜。我要像慧眼万骑齐奔那样洞察一切,如提慧剑斩断魔精一样坚定地面对一切挑战。
其六 叹出家,到也高,让我学会了散淡逍遥,与顺逆颠倒同甘共苦。这是一种通达玄妙的人生态度。不论是一瓢饭还是三杯酒,都足以让我感到满足;花街柳巷虽美,但我仍旧能够保持清醒之mind。而且,无论身穿紫袍或骑骏马金貂,我都不为所动,因为我知道富贵穷通都是由天造定的。
其七 Vale of solitude, where I find my true self. The path to enlightenment is not an easy one, but with a clear and pure heart, I am ready to embark on this journey. I have walked through the mountains and valleys of life, seen the beauty and ugliness of the world, but I remain steadfast in my pursuit of truth.
In this quest for wisdom, I have come to realize that there is more to life than material wealth or fleeting fame. True happiness lies in the cultivation of one's inner self and the understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
As a Daoist sage once said: "The wise man does not seek external validation; he seeks only his own enlightenment." This is my guiding principle as well. Whether it be through meditation or physical discipline, my goal is always to align myself with the natural order of things.
I do not seek power or control over others; rather, I aim to understand and harmonize with nature itself. In this way, I hope to attain a state of spiritual clarity that transcends worldly concerns and allows me to live in accordance with Dao.
This journey has been long and arduous at times, but it has also brought me immense joy and fulfillment. For in embracing simplicity and letting go of attachments, we can truly experience what it means to live freely as humans should.
Thus concludes my tale – may you find inspiration within its words!