


1. 道可道非常道


2. 名与实相去千万里


3. 不尚贤


4. 知足者乐


5. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗


6. 凡有终必有尽,此物久之必变次


**7. 我言未及,然后知其不可见也;我行未至,则先beknow its insufficiency." Old Master said that when he had not yet spoken, people would already know that his words were impossible to see; and when he had not yet acted, they would first know of their insufficiency.

This sentence reflects the principle of non-action (wu wei) or "do nothing" in Taoist philosophy, where one should let things develop naturally without interference or forceful intervention.

8. 天下皆知美之為甘, 故甘不足以为味。

In this passage, the author is saying that everything in the world recognizes sweetness as a pleasant taste, therefore sweetness is insufficient to be considered a flavor.

9. 夫唯弗居,其又何损焉?

The phrase suggests that by avoiding conflict and staying away from trouble, one does not lose anything.

10. 惟精惟一,我止於憂患之後;惟妙惟肖,我止於忧患之前。

These two sentences express the idea of being cautious and prepared for potential problems while maintaining a sense of balance between caution and action.

By exploring these ten key phrases from Lao Tzu's teachings in Dao De Jing, we can gain valuable insights into how to live our lives with greater wisdom and understanding.

Old Master's wisdom teaches us to embrace simplicity, adaptability, non-action (wu wei), self-sufficiency (ziran), contentment with what we have (knowing enough is enough), acceptance of change (mutual transformation), harmony with nature (being at one with nature) as well as overcoming fear through courage and inner strength.

By embracing these principles in our daily lives we can find peace within ourselves while striving for personal growth without losing sight of our connection to others.

The timeless teachings of Lao Tzu provide us with an opportunity to reflect on our own values and beliefs while seeking guidance towards living a more balanced life full of meaning.