


阅读《道德经》可以帮助年轻人在浮躁时代中保持心灵的平静。竞争是我们生活中的常态,但只有稳住心态才能在竞争中胜出。《道德经》 teaches us to find our place in the world, to be grounded and not get distracted by fleeting desires.

Secondly, reading The Book of Changes can help young people face life's gains and losses with a carefree attitude. The text reminds us that everything is interconnected and that gain often leads to loss, while loss may lead to gain. It teaches us not to take things too seriously and to accept what comes our way with equanimity.

In conclusion, I believe that young people should read The Book of Changes because it offers valuable insights into how to live a fulfilling life. By adopting its principles of non-action and accepting the natural order of things, we can navigate the challenges of life more effectively and achieve greater peace of mind.