





毛伯道劉道恭謝稚堅張兆期皆后汉时同學王屋山合丹成伯道先死次恭亦死堅、兆期棄藥歸未出便见伯、恭各乘鹿在 山上悲愕悔謝恭授以茯苓方二人后亦度世真誥注稚堅一處出 一云與葛玄相隨 一云在鹿跡洞中 即是此为詳为一人当同姓名尔苏林濮阳曲水 人 少稍异操独逸无伦访真志与日弥篤负担至赵师琴高先生受煉气益命法华山仇先生者汤王时木正也服胎食法还神守魂事大得益Mr. Lin was instructed by Mr. Guo, who was a disciple of the great immortal, to seek out the true meaning of life and death. He spent many years studying with Mr. Guo, learning about the mysteries of alchemy and the secrets of immortality.

During his studies, Mr. Lin encountered many strange occurrences that challenged his understanding of reality. He learned about the existence of three evil spirits that dwelled within every person's body: the green spirit that caused eye problems, the white spirit that affected one's five organs, and the red spirit that controlled digestion and could lead to illness or even death if not properly managed.

To become an immortal being, one had to first eliminate these evil spirits from their body through a process called "sealing" them away using special elixirs made from rare herbs and minerals. Only then could one achieve true immortality.

After completing his studies with Mr. Guo, Mr. Lin set out on a journey to find other like-minded individuals who shared his passion for seeking immortality through alchemy.

He traveled extensively throughout China in search of knowledge and wisdom from various masters in different regions until he met another renowned master named Xie Zhijian (谢稚坚) who taught him more advanced techniques for achieving immortality through alchemy.

Together with Xie Zhijian (谢稚坚), they sought out other experts in their field such as Zhan Zhuoliang (战诸良), Wang Shenzhi (王伸智), Zhang Jianguan (张建观), Li Qingyuan (李清源), Liu Yongzhen(刘永珍)and Wu Changsheng(吴长胜).

These masters collectively known as "The Eight Immortals" were revered for their expertise in creating elixirs capable of granting long life or even eternal youthfulness upon consumption

Their collective efforts resulted in several breakthroughs leading to new discoveries which ultimately led them all together create an ultimate elixir called "The Elixir Of Life".