



据《国际宗教研究学报》发布的《2001年世界宗教工作统计表》,我们可以看到,不同时间段内各个国家和地区人口以及不同信仰群体的人数统计数据,并基于这些数据,对2025年的预测进行了计算。从图表趋势来看,我们发现每个主要信仰体系的人数增长似乎紧随着全局人口增长而成比例地增加,这说明现代世界中, religions are experiencing a revival.

美国学者斯达克指出,在向世俗化发展过程中,不仅会有自我约束,而且会出现两个补偿性进步,即 religion's resurgence and innovation. 我国学者也提到,当今世界上的特点之一就是面向社会、面向现实、面向个人生活方式。这包括世俗化、公民化,以及成为现代全球 religions' main trends.

自改革开放至今,我国各大 religions all experienced some degree of development, with the number of followers increasing from over one million to over six million in the past two decades. This trend suggests that religious believers will continue to grow, but their growth will be subject to various factors such as economic conditions, cultural values, and international environments.

The value of religion lies in its ability to provide an explanation for human existence and behavior. In traditional societies, it served three primary functions: first, it helped maintain social order; secondly, it provided a means of understanding the world; thirdly, it influenced people's beliefs and actions. As society progresses into modernity, religion continues to adapt by secularizing itself while maintaining its unique spiritual essence.

In modern society where division of labor leads to competition and specialization resulting in social differentiation between individuals within communities or nations on account of differences in knowledge skill levels etc., individualism becomes more pronounced leading to fragmentation among members which can lead towards disintegration if not managed properly. However since religion provides a direct dialogue between the individual soul and an absolute power beyond this material realm without requiring mutual supplementation or interdependence amongst fellow human beings thereby preserving personal integrity through spiritual pursuits rather than external organizations hence escaping potential pitfalls like fragmentation due dependence on other societal structures for integration

However we must also consider that while religious influence has its own limitations in terms of applicability across different domains It can certainly play a role at providing meaning interpretation & redemption especially during times when scientific explanations fall short or fail altogether Hence there is room for complementarity between religious ethics & secular moralities both being essential components necessary for smooth functioning within societies

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