






"No asing from action, and no ceasing from inaction." 这句名言出自《庄子·大宗师》,表明了行动与休息之间应该达到一种动静相合、顺应自然状态。这里面的关键词语是“No action”,这并不是说完全放弃行动,而是在于选择最符合当时情况和个人意志的事情进行。如果按照自己的意愿去干预或控制事情,那么就是违背了天地之大顺,即违背了自然规律;如果完全放手,让事情自行其事,那也是失去了作为人的责任和智慧。在这里,“非战其身,以败敌也。”(孔子的话),即以退让取胜,这也是体现了一种高超战略思想,是一种看似简单实际很难掌握的艺术。


On the other hand, "having-action", or taking action to achieve a goal, is also an important aspect of human life. It's about making decisions and taking steps to bring about desired outcomes. However, it's crucial not to let this drive us into conflict with the natural order. We must strike a balance between our intentions and the inherent forces at play.

The concept of "wuxing," or non-action in its most literal sense (doing nothing), is often misunderstood as laziness or passivity. In reality, it represents a state of being that aligns with the Tao—where one acts without forcing outcomes or imposing personal will on external circumstances.

In essence, achieving this balance requires cultivating inner wisdom and intuition that guides us toward actions which are harmonious with nature rather than against it.


Conclusion: Finding Balance in Life Through Understanding Taoism

Living according to the Tao: A Guide for Modern Times

Embracing Change While Staying True to Your Principles

Striving for Balance: The Key to Success According to Lao Tzu & Zhuangzi's Teachings

**Practical Wisdom for Everyday Life: Insights from Ancient Chinese Philosophers on Action vs No-Action

And so on...