所以,现在当我回望过去,那句朋友的话:“你看,生活就是这样,无为无不为,无可无不可。” suddenly became clear to me. It's not about being passive or helpless; it's about embracing the natural flow of life, accepting what we cannot change, and finding ways to adapt and grow in the face of uncertainty.
In a way, I realize now that my journey towards self-discovery is all about finding that delicate balance between "no action" (without purpose) and "no non-action" (with intention). It's about recognizing when to let go and trust in the universe, while also taking responsibility for our own growth and learning.
So here I am, still exploring this philosophy of mine – no action without purpose, no non-action with intention. It’s not always easy but it’s worth it because it allows me to live each day with greater awareness, acceptance, and resilience.